Donating food to help our mission? Fantastic!

  1. Have you checked our wish list for much-needed items?
  2. Are these frozen goods, canned, boxed, or fresh goods?
    • Canned and box goods are always welcome.
    • With frozen and fresh goods, it’s best to check with our director of food services, David Crawford, before dropping off or purchasing. Feel free to call 773-262-1766 and ask for David.
  3. Drop-off times are: DAILY 10 am – 11:00 am and 2 pm – 4 pm.

Please do not donate any expired food of any kind. If you wouldn’t eat it, chances are we can’t serve it to our community. 😉 

Deliveries are highly discouraged during our to-go lunch, daily from 12 pm – 2 pm.